Thursday, August 29, 2019

Addie: 11 months

Addie is one so soon and it has me feeling all kinds of emotions! 

This month we had your annual clinic appointment and your team of medical professionals are so pleased with how well you are doing. 

Weight: 21 lbs 8oz 
Height: 29.5 inches 
Clothes: 12months 
Shoes: size 3 
Teeth: 4 and working on two more up top 

You have been cruising along everything all month. I see glimpses of what it’s going to be like when you start walking on your own. We are ready so your sweet little hands aren’t constantly on the floor. We don’t wear shoes inside the house anymore to help this situation too. You have loved being home with your sister and spending lots of time at the pool! You are strong-willed and know what you want. You try to keep up with the big kids too! Watching you learn and grow is such a blessing. 

Addie: 10 months

I realize it's been a LONG time since I blogged. Oops sorry Addie! 

Weight: on our home scale she's 20 lb 12 oz
Shoe: 2
Clothes: Mostly 9 month but some 12 month
Teeth: 3 and one poking through 

Likes: crawling every where, pulling up on everything, doing whatever her sister is doing, cheese, scrambled eggs, Emma, sleeping, putting everything in her mouth, the beach and cooper. 

Dislikes: her nebulizer, staying still for her 30 minute treatments, when me or Emma leave the room, drinking her middle of the day bottles, when we don't put her food on her plate fast enough, or when we park the car.

In all seriousness, we are so grateful for this little chunk of love. She is still adapting to her treatments and the more mobile she gets the more she doesn't want to be confined. She wants to get away from her 4 ft radius of the machine and so treatments are tough. We are working through it. She is doing so well right now and I am so grateful that I get to be home and in control of her environment. Emma and her have bonded so much this summer. They love each other so much and I just love watching their relationship grow. Now for some photos from the past few months. Hoping to do more of a summer recap soon!