Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ahoy it's a boy!

We are spending the week in Litchfield beach, South Carolina, with my family, Stribos', Swans, Balfours/Morgans, and Abernathys for Thanksgiving. A few weeks back I decided it would be fun to have a surprise shower for my sister and brother-in-law since our whole family and family friends would all be together. Last night was the night and it was a success! I think we caught my sister off guard. We did a big shrimp and fish fry dinner at the Abernathy/Balfour house. I went over earlier in the day to decorate and finish up the cupcakes and appetizers. Here are a few pictures of the decorations.

And the expecting parents!

We had a great time with everyone at dinner and they got some awesome gifts. Only a few more months until little man Willi makes his appearance. Nice to share the excitement with our family friends that we don't get to see very often. 

More to come about our beach trip and Thanksgiving day in my next post. 

Happy Thanksgiving! 

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