Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

As an elementary school teacher, Halloween is considered "book character day." This year my team decided to do the book The Day the Crayons Quit 
It turned out so much better than I anticipated! I told my students what we were doing and if they wanted to participate with the teachers than they should wear purple. I would say about three-fourths of my class came in purple which made it look so cute! I had a crayola sheet that they colored purple which I taped to their chest then we made cone hats. I had an army of purple crayons!!!! 
My homeroom class! Aren't they so cute! 
Kristan LeFave who is my special Ed teacher and we teach science together. 
Sarah Smith, who is a great friend of mine who also teaches fifth grade! 

The fifth grade team (missing Mr. Browning) after surviving Halloween at school. Quite a feat! (Left to right: Kristan LeFave, Katie Humpherys, me, Amanda Andrews, Owen Goard, Georgia Powell, Sarah Smith, and Amelia Ditzel) 

On to Halloween outside of school...

I am that dog owner who loves to dress up my dog for holidays. Poor Cooper is such a trooper and allows me to do it. Last year he was a taco 
And this year he was NEMO!
Over his short two years on earth he's also been dressed up as an elf and santa so I can only imagine what else he will be in the years to come! 

This year we didn't stay home to give out cand to our (very few) trick-or-treaters and went to our best friends, Ansley and Matt Reynolds, for a cookout. I left a bowl of Reese's cups on the porch and came home to most of them still there. We had a great night of food, laughs, and love with some of our closest friends! Halloween is very different now and I must say I enjoy it! As I walked in their house, Scott was the first person I saw and he was wearing this... 
It gave me a good laugh! 

This Halloween was a success and now to prepare for our day full of UGA (vs Florida)  and Auburn (vs Ole Miss)  football! 

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