Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Favorites

Linking up for Friday Favorites this week! 

1. The Pacific Northwest in particular exploring. You can read my posts on Seattle, Portland, and Scenery on these links! Here is one of my fave pictures from our trip! 

2. Food Truck Wednesday at Blackburn Park. This week I met up with my dear friend Lindsey and her two boys for dinner. We lucked out on our timing because not 5 minutes after Lindsey loaded up to leave the heavens opened! 

3. Paper Towns by John Green. I read this book on the plane and it was hard to put down! I can't wait to see the movie (hopefully in the next week!)

4. Sleep- yes I know this is a funny favorite for this week but with my days of Summer break dwindling at a rapid rate and my days of sleeping in coming to an end I am soaking it up for all it's worth! 

5. My Parents- they took care of our sweet Cooper while we were away and treated him like their own. He was spoiled over there and I'm not sure he wanted to come home! 

6. Movies with friends- my three best friends from High School and I go to movies whenever we are on school breaks. This week we went to see TrainWreck. Always a fun time with them and Cinebistro knows how to put on a good show! This movie was hilarious! 

5. My big sister Bonnie! Today is her 29th birthday so we are going to our favorite place Fickle Pickle in downtown Roswell for lunch with nana and then tonight she's having a triple birthday celebration with two of her good friends, Sarah and Katie. 

Happy Friday! Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend! 

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear you liked Trainwreck! I've been wanting to see that!
