Friday, August 21, 2015

Friday Favorites

I'm linking up with Narci, Andrea, and Erika for Friday Favorites! 

1. This week these have been my favorite friends.....

Week 2 of school and allergy season starting so I already got my first sinus infection of the school year. 

2. A new favorite of mine is that with my new position I have more flexibility in my schedule and am able to pop into classrooms and see all the great things going on in my building! Here are some collages from the @lflions twitter account that I took this week!

3. A friend of mine (the art teacher at my school) has her own business called Vintage Roux and on Monday she left this special treat on my desk to start my week. So cute! She makes some of the coolest things from pounding out vintage spoons. I have given her necklaces as gifts in the past. 

4. ATHENS is a favorite place of mine and I get to go tomorrow with my older sister and nephew to visit our younger brother and sister. I haven't seen my younger sister, Claire, in about 8 weeks because she was studying abroad and the day after returning from Italy she had to get back to UGA for recruitment. Much needed family/sibling time coming my way tomorrow! 
Image result for uga

(Claire on the left and James on the right)

That's it from me for this week! Have a great weekend!

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