Monday, September 14, 2015

Cooper's accident

So to say our weekend was interesting is an understatement. Friday night tommy got home from work and started doing some yard work. Cooper always just sniffs around the yard and explores while tommy is out there. Friday was no different. 

Tommy was working on trimming the hedges with this...

And Cooper snuck up on him as he was cutting a short bush and his tail unfortunately got in the way. It happened so fast and luckily it was just cut an inch from the end of his tail but no less it wasn't good. I immediately called the emergency vet and off we went!

Cooper had to stay the night after getting his surgery to remove the partly detached part and finish the job essentially. Poor buddy has a shaved tail with stitches and has to wear a cone around his head. 

Cooper isn't sleeping well at night an paces the house during the day. He's on pain medicine but I'm sure is still in a lot of pain. He's not eating great either. 

To say the least I'm stressed and worried about him. I also am not feeling great because of the lack of sleep so I took a half day today to come check on him and take a nap. 

We are going away this weekend and once we get home we will get his stitches removed. I'm hoping by mid-week he starts returning back to normal. 

If you think about it say a prayer for our little buddy and that he heals quickly! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh goodness! Poor Coop! Prayers that he heals quickly and you get some rest!
