Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Pregnancy Update

I haven't blogged in awhile and we are just in the waiting stage right now for Emma's arrival. To say we're ready would be understatement. I am still working and will work until this Friday the 6th. I was 39 weeks yesterday. We are praying she comes on her own some time before next Tuesday for many reasons. 

1) I would prefer to not be induced
2) my brother and sister leave for their study abroads for the Summer (James to Australia and Claire to South Africa) on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I would be so sad if they didn't get to meet her in person until she was almost two months old. I know they would be good sports about it but I know they are dying to meet her as well. #comeonemma

I am not one who loves pictures of myself but I figured I should probably document the end of my pregnancy with some bump pictures (I apologize for the work bathroom pics). 

I am a planner so this stage of pregnancy is one of testing my patience. I've never been so out of control in my life. It sure does make you rely on your faith that everything will happen in the timing it's supposed to. I just pray she is healthy and that we have a smooth delivery to meet her. Her daddy and mommy sure are anxious to meet her!!! 

Stay tuned. I will probably not blog until she has made her arrival. I go back to the doctor on Monday if she still isn't here and from there we would then schedule an induction. Prayers that she comes on her own in the next 6 days! 

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