Sunday, September 18, 2016

Weekend recap

This weekend was jam packed until today. Friday night my supper club went to Oku Sushi for dinner. It was delicious! We didn't take any pictures oops! Tommy stayed home with the munchkin and had a daddy daughter date night. 

Saturday morning Emma and I relaxed at home getting ready for the day. We went to brunch at Sun in My Belly to meet Willett and Alex since Willett was home from Puerto Rico. She hadn't been home since she moved in May. It was great to see her and catch up!

From here I headed to the Bobinskis house for Meghan's birthday brunch. I met Tommy there since he was able to go earlier. It was good to see all our couple friends. From here I headed to my friend Adrienne's for a play date with her daughter, Langley, and another friend from LF whose daughter, Ada, goes to daycare with Emma. Again blogger fail we took no pictures! It was great to see Adrienne, Tray and Langley and to see Katherine outside of school. All three babies are so similar in size. So fun all having little girls! Adrienne has been a wealth of knowledge these past four months since she was five months ahead of me. So thankful for her friendship!

From there we headed home. It was time for some down time with just the three of us. When Emma headed for bed Tommy left to watch the auburn game with his friends. I enjoyed a quiet night to myself watching the UGA game. I of course fell asleep and missed the end where we actually WON! #thismommacanthang
Cutest little dawg fan #sorrydad
Such a ham! 
Those dimples! 

Today was a day full of RAIN (my tennis match got canceled), naps, football, pajamas and just pure relaxation. The only productive thing I did today was grocery shop and meal plan for the week. Emma has officially mastered getting her thumb in her mouth and that's all she's interested in doing! 
My drooley shopping partner. 

We are ready to take on the week! Tommy starts his new job tomorrow for James Hardie. I'm excited for him to be working in a field he is passionate about (construction). We hope this is the place where he thrives and enjoys the work. 

Hope you all have a wonderful week too!

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