Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Emma: 7 Months

Seven Months!

Oh Emma you are growing up way too fast! Time needs to slowwwww down. 

We didn't go to the doctor this month so no update on her height/weight but I think she is around 19 lbs. 

Clothes: Nine months
Diapers: Size 3

Milestones: She is really getting the hang of sitting on her own and finding her balance. She got her first two bottom teeth! (woah teething really wrecked our little love) She got her first ear infection (double at that). She can scoot herself around in the same general area while laying on her belly. She hasn't figured out yet that hands and knees need to be involved in order to crawl. She visited Santa for the first time and was fine until cousin Collier joined who was UPSET so she followed suit. She celebrated her first Thanksgiving with both the Robinson family and Williams family. She went on her first vacation with the Robinsons. She went to her first Christmas party (and success for mom and dad. Since she's been a pill towards others lately we decided to bring the pack n play to the Mitchler's house so we could put her to bed during the party and just transfer her to her crib later. She did great!)

Likes: she loves her new Little People Nativity set, being supported standing up and falling (with mommy's guidance of course) which she thinks is hysterical, her jumparoo/exersauser whatever they are called, all food she's tried so far, puffs and last but not least MOMMY. Oh boy are we in a Mommy phase. 

Dislikes: Anyone but mom or dad (and really everyone but mom when others are around), getting out of the bath, getting her diaper changed, when mommy leaves the room she is in, and sitting in the high chair waiting for me to get her food ready.

Emma this past month your personality has really started to shine. You think we are so funny (which makes our hearts melt), you are so aware of your surroundings, you are really trying to get yourself around especially towards Cooper, and you love to hear our voices talking to you. We can't imagine loving you any more. We are so blessed! 

I can't wait to experience your first Christmas during this next month and see the joy of the holiday through your eyes sweet one.

Photo dump:

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