Monday, March 27, 2017

Life Lately

We have been busy lately and it's not getting any quieter around these parts! Last week Emma came down with yet another double ear infection and along with that has come teething of her molars (I think!). She has her moments where she is totally fine but she also has her moments when she is inconsolable. Her gums are so swollen and poor baby can't get any comfort in that area (thank goodness for motrin on the really bad days). 
 hand in mouth constantly 

On Friday we also attended the funeral of some of our friend's mom who passed away from her 15-month battle with cancer. It was a beautifully done service and Salle's life was well celebrated. 

Saturday was such a pretty day we had to venture to the park to soak it up!

On Saturday night we threw our friends, Christy and Andrew, a couples fiesta shower with 5 other couples. We had a great time and they got some awesome stuff for their home. They live down in West Palm Beach, Florida so it was great to see them! Andrew hadn't been home since Christmas. Christy is one of my oldest friends and Andrew is one of Tommy's oldest friends so it's a lot of fun that they are getting married. We have some fun activities for them coming up in the next month or so! Here are some pictures from that night! (thanks Mimi and Baba for having Emma for the night!)

Yesterday I also got out on the tennis courts and now my head is killing me. This pollen is really making my allergies flare up big time. It's no fun! Looking forward to escaping Atlanta for the beach next week and getting a break hopefully from all the pollen.

My parents have listed their house and we are hoping for a contract to come through soon! They have done a LOT of work to it in the past 6 months to get it ready to list. It looks beautiful. If you know anyone looking in the Marietta area please send them HERE!

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