Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter Weekend

We had quite the busy weekend! Going to go ahead and apologize for the amount of pictures on this post. Started my weekend with dinner at a local Thai place with my people! 

Followed by a night prepping 2 hashbrown casseroles and 2 breakfast casseroles for a baby shower the next day! We managed to squeeze in one episode of Homeland. It's taking us forever to get through it all! 

Saturday morning started early for me so I could get showered and ready before Emma woke up. I then ran by my weight watchers meeting to weigh in since I had been gone the past two weeks. I was down 4 pounds from the past two weeks which was great considering I had been on vacation and back to school. Since I started I'm down 23 pounds and since the day Emma was born I'm down 60.6 pounds. I hope to never see the number I saw at the end of my pregnancy again on a scale. 

Then I ran home to finish cooking the hashbrown casseroles and change to leave for the Pio's home to set up for Ansley's baby shower. I threw the shower with a bunch of other girls I went to high school with and grew up with (Laura, Christy, Melissa, Madison, and Elizabeth). We did an "Ahoy it's a Boy" theme! The food spread was fantastic! Team effort. We are really getting good at this shower throwing thing! Ansley got some awesome things and is all set for Gavin to arrive. We can't wait to meet him in late May/early June. 

Saturday afternoon I came home from the shower and baked for Easter. I was assigned desserts so I decided to make Easter basket cookies and grass rice crispy treats. I think they turned out pretty good! Saturday night the Hartmans came over and we grilled burgers and hung out on the porch just catching up. I am so grateful for the two of them in our lives. They are just good people who we are fortunate to call close friends who are also our neighbors (they live about 6 houses away from us!). It was just a very chill night to enjoy each other's company. We all hit the hay fairly early because of our full days of Easter gatherings the next day. 

I woke up early again so I could get ready before Emma woke up. We headed to East Cobb just after 8am to meet the Robinsons at Mt. Bethel for the 9am church service. We got there early so I could register and check Emma into the nursery. She does not do well in the big service anymore so it's not enjoyable for anyone when she is with us. Thank you for church nurseries or we would never go to church! After church we went back to the Robinsons for a quick bite to eat and a few Easter eggs for Emma before heading to my parents house for their big gathering (last one before they move!) with all their friends and families. We had about 25-30 people over at my parents which was great. The food spread was delicious and the company was even better. It was nice to see everyone since we usually just see most of them on Christmas Eve. The weather was beautiful on Sunday. Collier and Emma had an Easter egg hunt at my parents house too. More Collier running around and bringing Emma some eggs while she sat and ate grass (rolling of eyes emoji). The kiddos napped at the house and we enjoyed an afternoon of catching up with everyone. It was the last time the twins would come home before being graduates of UGA as well. LOTS happening for the Williams family in the next few weeks (moves, graduations, first birthdays, etc.) After we left my parents house we went back to the Robinsons for an hour or so to visit some more before going home for the night. Phew I know you are exhausted just reading about our day. It was a busy day but as I was saying to someone today that it's a good problem to have trying to fit as much time with both our families in one day. We are lucky we have both families in town and that they want to hang out with us. It was a day filled with love and appreciation for the sacrifice of Jesus. Hope you had a blessed day with your loved ones! 

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