Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Show and Tell Tuesday: Vacations

Twice a month, momfessionals, hosts Show and Tell Tuesday so I wanted to link up today to talk about best/worst vacations! 

South Africa 2013
My best vacations usually revolve around trips with my family to visit family. A very special trip to South Africa to visit family was 4 years ago (to the day pretty much) where Tommy came with me for the first time. He got to meet my granny (who is not doing very well right now. My dad is in SA currently) and my uncles as well as see what we talk about all the time. SA is a special place and always holds a special place in my heart. I usually make a trip around every 5 years so that means we are due Tommy ;) 

If you can even say "worst" vacation but maybe just "worst" part of a vacation is when you get sick. Well at the very end of this SA trip I must have gotten some kind of bacterial infection in my stomach. I was veryyyyy sick and ended up getting so dehydrated by the time I got home that I ended up in the ER in Atlanta upon my return. They did a CT scan, chest xray, and so many blood tests because my head was in excrutiating pain and I had just been in Africa. Well a few bags of saline and a lot of morphine later I was like new. Not a good feeling but I still look back so fondly of this trip. 

Pacific Northwest 2015
When it comes to vacations with just me and Tommy I think my favorite trip was our trip to the Pacific Northwest. It was not a good time for us (I had just finished physically recovering from a miscarriage and emotionally we were working through everything) and it was a much needed vacation for us to get away. We had been looking forward to this trip so much because neither of us had been to this part of the country. We ate and drank our way through Seattle and Portland. We laughed a LOT and loved exploring a new place just the two of us. It was such a healing trip for us both. You can read about our trip here, here, and here

Thanks for reading! I love to travel and we are getting the itch to plan something different for us for next year some time. 

1 comment:

  1. yay two fabulous trips. can't believe that was 4 years ago!!!
