Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Emma: 15 months

Emma has changed a LOT since I wrote about her update at 12 months. We went to the doctor last Friday so I have updated stats. 

Weight: 25 pounds 4 ounces (92nd percentile)
Height: 30 1/4 inches (39th percentile)
Head: 46 3/4cm (78th percentile)
Diapers: Size 5
Clothes: 18 months 
Shoes: 4.5/5 depending on the brand

 My attempt at a picture. It's impossible these days!

Milestones: Since your first birthday you have become a master at walking (running really ha!) and are ALL over the place! You have started in the toddler room at school and are down to one LONG nap in the afternoons. You are finally getting adjusted to the new room at school but are such a big girl. You eat at a table in the school cafeteria for your meals and take naps on a mat on the floor. You have started mimicking us more lately. You are very aware of what we are asking you to do even if you can't verbalize back to us what you want to say. You are very much still babbling most things but "mama" is your favorite word. You can follow one-step commands like "bring me your babydoll" or "take the book to your daddy". 

Since you turned one you have been to the beach 2 times, spent a weekend away from mommy/daddy, had your first surgery (tubes), had your first ER visit (this was not fun!), gotten your first goose egg on your head at school, switched classrooms, started drinking whole milk, dropped the bottle, dropped a nap, got 4 molars, and so much more. We love watching you explore new things and love seeing you grow. You are such a bright light and I hope you never change that. Your smile could light up a room and your beautiful blue eyes just stare into our souls.

Likes: still basically all food, splash pad/pool (any body of water for that matter), Cooper, your ball machine, playing with your food in your kitchen, the ABCs being sung to you, any books about animals being read to you, and jumping on the bed. 

Dislikes: when your nap gets cut short at school, when I take your paci away (since it's only allowed in bed), riding in the car after school, and being told no. 

We are so lucky to be your parents and are having the time of our lives watching you grow. I thank God every day for giving me the job of being your mom. May you grow to treat others well, love those around you no matter what, and that you always know who your Lord and Savior is.

A few recent photos:

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