Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend and as always it went by way too fast! Friday night we met Ansley, Matt and Gavin at Blue Top for an early dinner. It is a fun atmosphere becuase it's very casual and family friendly but my one-year old thinks she is grown and wanted to be in the bocce ball area with those heavy balls being thrown by bigger kiddos instead of her high chair so needless to say our sitting nicely and eating dinner wasn't super relaxing! I also didn't snap any pictures because BUSY toddler. 

Saturday morning we had no plans so we decided to take a quick trip down to the Zoo because Emma is animal obsessed these days. She loves pointing out animals in her books and making animal sounds. We had a fun little morning visiting and spending time together just the three of us. We just focused on the African animals, petting zoo, playground and train. Emma had a great time and so did we. Love seeing her light up seeing new things and exploring on her own. 
(just her crazy self before getting ready for the day. Nightgown, purse, and hat!)
(pretending it actually feels like Fall and eating pumpkin waffles for breakfast)

Saturday evening we had Collier come stay with us for the night. We took the kids to our neighborhood street party by the pool. We brought a dessert and they had a bunch of our sponsors donate food for the event. There were over 300 people there which was great. Nice to meet so many new faces in the neighborhood! Tommy and I were off in different directions most of the time because two kids. 

Once the kiddos went to bed we watched the Georgia and Auburn games simultaneously while in our pajamas. It was perfect! #godawgs and #wareagle

Sunday morning we got up and went to church. It was blessing bag day at church and my principal spoke in all three services. After each service patrons went to the fellowship hall to stuff the bags and then they were all delivered to school yesterday! This is such a blessing for our students over long breaks. Each student goes home with a bag full of non-perishable foods next week for their 5 day weekend and over the long weekend break in February. Thank you Peachtree Presbyterian for being such a huge community sponsor for my school. 

Wrapped up the weekend with yet anther three set tennis match that I finally won! It was a great weekend and this week is also a busy week for us. Already looking forward to the weekend. 

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