Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Life Lately

I've been slacking in the blogging department. We've been busy the past couple of weeks so I don't want to forget to update here. 

The week of mine and Tommy's birthday we celebrated with both our families and got a night out just the two of us. We went to Rumi's Kitchen with my family, Novo Cucina with Tommy's parents, and then that Friday we went to Mary Mac's Tea room followed by the Lion King at the Fox. It was a fun-filled week!

Collier came and stayed the night on January 27th and the kiddos had an absolute ball playing together!

Emma is very into her baby dolls and minnie mouse as a baby doll these days. She loves to wrap them up, put diapers on them, move them from chair to chair, etc. It's so cute watching her and it keeps her entertained longer than any other toy in our house. 

We helped host a baby shower for our friends, Colin and Meghan. It was at our neighborhood clubhouse and it turned out so great! Nice when no one has to clean their house to host and we had plenty of room. We can't wait to meet baby Bobinski in April!

At the beginning of February I won "Professional of the Year" for my school. It's a huge honor and feels good to be recognized for the work I have put in and continue to put in at Lake Forest. I am really enjoying my new title this year as Math coach and plan to stick with this for a bit. 

We went to Lake Rabun with our friends, the Stellings, one weekend. The weather was crappy but we had a great time just enjoying each other's company. It was just what we needed. A change of scenery and quality time with good friends. 

My boss gave me free tickets to a hawks game for winning POTY so we took Emma and my parents. Emma LOVED it and we were able to last the whole game. Lots of lights and things to look at for a toddler to be entertained. 

Valentines day was spent with my two loves. Tommy made homemade pasta with scallops in a lemon wine sauce. It was delicious!

We went over to my parents for dinner one night becuase we hadn't had everyone together (minus James) in awhile. Always nice to get some time with my family even if it's a bit chaotic.

Slow Saturday mornings with mickey pancakes are a favorite in our house!

On Monday we had the day off for PResidents day so we headed to the zoo with Collier and Bonnie. Even with the spitting rain we had a great time. We got to see just about every animal (the African safari is under construction currently) and I think some of the best animal viewing we have ever had. The lions were all out and active with roars and all. Emma took a 3 hour nap after which was icing on the cake! I was needing to prep for supper club at my house that night so it was a great day off!

The weather is great this week and Emma keeps us laughing! "Come here Cooper" was said about 50 times on our walk yesterday. She loves that dog of hers but also likes to boss him around. 

1 comment:

  1. So cute! <3 You are blessed for having a beautiful family Lisa.. Thanks for sharing :)

