Friday, May 25, 2018

Friday Favorites

I haven't linked up with Friday Favorites for awhile so figured why not kick off the start to summer by linking up! 

1. Today is Emma's last day of the toddler room at daycare and I can't believe how much she has grown and changed since August! (Thanks dad for sending the pic once she woke up even if she went wild child and hit herself in the lip and busted it open- palm to face emoji moment)

2. This week we popped in over at my sister's house for a little while and these cousins really are the best of friends. Emma looks up to Collier so much and they play well together (most of the time). 

3. Emma loves to sing her ABCs and "kinkle kinkle little star" for me when she's in the bath and I can't resist recording that precious voice of hers with all the mis-pronunciations because I know soon it won't be so choppy anymore and I'll miss it. 

4. We ordered a new couch for the living room a few weeks ago and it was meant to be delivered last Wednesday but because it was raining they wouldn't deliver it (grrr) so it finally came on Monday and I LOVE it! I am all about a comfy couch to lounge on and I love a good sectional. 

5. I've been wanting to spruce up our dining room a little bit and when I saw someone post this on buckhead exchange for sale and it was the colors of my dining room I just went for it! Excuse the mess on and around our table. It's been a week with it being the last week of school.

6. Last Friday night all the women in my family got together for dinner and a flower arranging class at the West Elm in Ponce City Market. We had such a fun time! Nice to get an adult night out with my favorite women (my mom, nana, and sisters Bonnie and Claire). 

7. Lastly feeling this little one kick more and more each day has been so wonderful. We can't wait to meet her in September! (Pregnancy update:This was from our 20 week appointment a few weeks ago. I'm 22 weeks right now. I'm feeling pretty good. Sleep has been better lately and my energy level is up. I'm trying to soak up all the goodness that the second trimester has to offer. I'm sure I'm going to be miserably hot and uncomfortable by the end of the summer)

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