Monday, February 13, 2017

Emma: 9 Months

Nine Months

weight: 21 lbs 12 oz (89th percentile)
height: 28.2 inches (72nd percentile)
diaper size: 4
clothes: 12 month

Milestones: This past month you started to sit up and move around with more confidence, starting crawling, standing up next to items much better, gained 3 more teeth, really getting the hang of table food eating, clapping and what seems like so much more!

Likes: blueberry waffles, when I sing "the wheels on the bus" to you, pulling on every cord you can find, pulling up on the fireplace, blueberries, just about every food I've given you, and babbling constantly. 

Dislikes: bows on your head (really sad about this one but I keep trying), eating when you have an ear infection (boo for getting another one this month), mom taking your toys in the bath to get you out for bed, and when mom leaves you during the hours of 5-7pm. 

This past month you have grown up so much. I love watching you explore and discover new things. Seeing the lightbulb go off is such an amazing thing to watch. You are my best gift. I am so lucky that god chose me to be your momma. This past month I've been told by so many people that you are really looking like me which is so crazy because you came out looking so much like your daddy. We love you to the moon and back sweet Emma. I can't believe how fast the past nine months have gone and I savor every minute of every day being your mom. You keep us laughing and we can't wait to see what happens next. 

9 month photo dump

The smile that melts our hearts 

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