Monday, February 6, 2017

Weight Watchers

At the beginning of January I decided that I wanted to really get a grip of my weight. I decided to go back on weight watchers (I did it in college and had good success) and so I joined on January 5th. So far I have lost a total of 9.5 pounds. With breastfeeding you are allotted more points than if not (which is a good thing because I feel like I'm always hungry). Some of my favorite things about the program now is that all fruits and veggies are 0 points. 

I go to meetings on Saturday mornings at a church in Dunwoody. I skipped the meeting the week of my birthday (because birthdays you just indulge and I didn't want to get weighed in. I know not the purpose of the program) but other than that I've been good about going to my weekly meetings and logging all of my food. 

It's really eye opening when you start looking on what items have what point values.

One of my favorite breakfasts that seems to keep me full for a long time is avocado toast (sometimes with a fried egg on top) or a piece of toast with a little bit of peanut butter and banana slices on them. The other key is water, water, water which I was doing well with anyway because of nursing. 

My goal is to lose atleast 25 pounds which as my mom said I am well on my way to. I don't think this goal is too lofty and I know I will feel so much better once I hit that and if I feel like it's not where I want to be I will keep trying to lose more. 

The WW app is so helpful and so easy to use. Just about every restaurant I go to is on there as well so I can look ahead at what I can eat before going to a restaurant (we are trying to just eat at home mostly but going out happens) which helps me from making a bad choice. 

The goal is to feel more comfortable in my own skin and for my clothes to fit better. Looking forward to seeing what more progress I can make on the program. It's a marathon not a sprint!

I will do random updates on this "journey" but lastly wanted to share where I find my best recipes. I have blogged about Skinny Taste before but all her online recipes say the weight watchers points and all her recipes in her cookbooks have the nutrition facts so I can calculate the WW points myself. This takes all the guess work out of it and really has been so helpful. My mom gave me her slow cooker cookbook for Christmas and it's been great!

and because what's a post without an Emma pic ;)

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