Thursday, September 27, 2018

Adeline Courtney Robinson has arrived!

And now we are a family of four! On September 21st at 6:15pm our world changed (again!) with the arrival of Adeline "Addie" Courtney. Adeline was my paternal grandmother's middle name and Courtney is my mother-in-law's name as well as many members of Tommy's extended family (his sister's middle name, cousin's first name, etc) so her name is very special to both of us. 

Addie's birth story (this is not going to be short...): I was put on the list to get induced for Wednesday night. The reason to get induced before 40 weeks was because Emma was a big baby (9lbs 12 oz) on her due date and I was worried about another large baby and tough delivery. Well this week in the hospital was apparently insane so we got bumped Wednesday night because my induction was elective. Thursday morning I called to check in and they said I would get in at some point that day but to go about as normal so I went for a walk and when I got home I got a call at 9am. I jumped in the shower because they wanted us there at 10. We got there at 10 and didn't get into a room until around 11:15. Well the doc on call that day came around 12 and decided that he didn't want to start with cervidil and go straight to pitocin so I was on pitocin from 12-8pm with not much change at all (sigh) so the doctor decided it would be best to stop for the night so I could eat and sleep and start again at 6am Friday morning. Talk about a long day. So 6am rolls around and they start the pitocin drip again. At 9:30 am the doctor on call that day came to check me and was surprised they hadn't done cervidil because I wasn't has dilated as they had stated. He seemed frustrated as well as me to say the least. He decided to break my water to hopefully try and get things going. Well around 12 I decided it was time for me to get my epidural. It finally got placed around 1. I had hit my threshold by this point. The doctor checked me right after that and I was only 3cm but was thinning out. I then took a nap to try and relax myself a bit. He came back at 4pm and I was still 3cm but was thinner (progress they kept telling me). I hit a mental wall at this point. I was convinced I wasn't going to progress past 3cm and I was going to end up with a c section after all this. I was really regretting having been induced to begin with. I was not in a good place. The nurse came in to up my epidural at 5:30 and we were just discussing when she thought the doc would be back to check me and she barely finished the sentence and in walked Dr. Marcus at 5:45 to both our suprises. He had been watching my contraction monitor (at 4pm they inserted an internal contraction monitor to get a more accurate read) and saw something (looked like nothing to me) that made him want to come check because he had a feeling she was ready. Well sure enough baby's head was right there and it was time to have a baby. The nurses came in to prep the room and we barely had time to process that it was actually time. I had a good feeling about pushing because I felt different than I did with Emma. The hour before pushing with Emma my back was in excrutiating pain because she was sunny side up. Addie HAD to be in a better position because I barely felt any pressure at all. Well 10 minutes later (3 contractions total) she was HERE! I have never been more relieved in my life. She was perfect and she was here. Northside now has the "golden hour" rule and they don't do anything with the baby until at least an hour later. It was so funny because the doctor and nurses were so anxious to hear her weight and it was going to be after shift change. She looked big. Dr. Marcus wanted to know so badly so he left his number with the night nurse for her to call him with her weight! Well an hour an half later the nursery lady came in and got started with weighing and bath. She weighed in at 9lbs 4oz and 21 and 3/4 inches long. She was only slightly smaller than her older sister. We enjoyed that time just the three of us. Addie was able to eat and we were able to just soak in her newness. It was pure bliss. At around 8:30pm my sisters, mom, Tom and Courtney all came in to meet sweet Addie. My dad came later once my mom could get home to relieve him since Emma was staying at their house. Everyone wanted in on the snuggles.

Saturday morning Emma came to visit and it was so funny watching her. She was so fascinated by Addie and wanted me to unwrap her so she could see her toes and fingers. She was really sweet and we are working on gentleness. Nana, mom and dad came with Emma. 

It was a long few days but all worth it in the end. Addie is such a good baby and we are all adjusting to being home. We came home on Sunday the 23rd and I can't believe tomorrow Addie will already be a week old. Life with two is chaos but beautiful chaos!

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