Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Baby time!

Well tomorrow is it for me at work before baby. I'm 39 weeks 3 days and I'm on the list to get checked in tomorrow night for induction (pending I don't get bumped due to lack of beds). We had an ultrasound yesterday to check baby's size and fluid levels. She's looking good and the calculations showed she's around 8lbs 6oz. The reasoning behind induction at 39 weeks is because Emma was a big baby on her due date and so I'd rather not go longer than my due date. My doctor isn't worried about me being able to deliver a big baby again but it just gives both Tommy and myself some anxiety. We would prefer to not have to use the vacuum to get this little love out. Since all looked well and I'm progressing my doctor felt comfortable with inducing. 

If I work tomorrow I won't have to go back to work until after Christmas break in January. 60 days of work goes from Thursday til December 20th which is ideal. Also with a toddler it makes it less stressful being able to plan for her where she's going and when not in an emergency type of way. We will take her to my parents tomorrow afternoon/evening and get her settled before we head home waiting for the call to come in.

I am definitely feeling large (who doesn't at full term pregnant) but overall feeling pretty good. Definitely have my moments of discomfort but I'm able to get decent sleep most nights and am functioning fine at work. I am ready to meet this new baby! 

Bump pictures from today:

I'm excited to see Emma with her little sister. She is such a little momma with her babydolls and I think she is going to love being my little helper (but definitely going to have to keep a VERY close eye on her. She's going to think she can pick her sister up like she can her dolls). It's definitely a weird mix of emotions around wondering how to love another child as much as you love your first. I can't wait to see their bond and watch their relationship grow. My siblings are the biggest blessings in my life and I'm so grateful I get to provide that for my children. As my doctor told me "giving your child a sibling is the biggest gift you can offer them" so I'm holding on to that tight as my alone time with Emma comes to a screeching halt tomorrow. 

I'll be back with a birth update once little sister is here and we are home. Prayers for a smooth delivery! 

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